MRAA expands focus, creates Canadian region

The marine dealer association formerly known as the Marine Retailers Association of America has changed its name to the Marine Retailers Association of the Americas, signifying an expanding focus on the North American dealer body.

The name change is also accompanied by the expansion of the MRAA board of directors, which now represents 11 regions, including a newly created Canadian region. Paul Nickel, president of Pride Marine Group in Bracebridge, Ontario, Canada, was appointed to represent the newly created Region 11. Each region is represented by its own director, and four officers and four “At Large” directors also hold seats on the board.

“These two seemingly small moves signify a big change for the association,” says Matt Gruhn, president of the MRAA. “As we look to create a greater, more unified voice for marine dealers, we are focused on inviting more marine retailers from Canada into the association. This will provide them access to many of the outstanding benefits that the MRAA offers, and it will provide all of our membership better connectivity with other leading dealers.”

The MRAA has always accepted Canadian members. In fact, the association currently has a handful of members from Canada and saw some additional Canadian registrations at the recent Marine Dealer Conference & Expo.

“The Canadian market has been greatly underserved by a formal dealer-specific organization,” says Nickel. “And as we create greater exposure for the MRAA, I believe Canadian dealers will quickly realize the opportunities available to them through MRAA membership.”

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