ABC Set for May 5-7 in Washington, D.C.

The American Boating Congress (ABC) is the industry’s annual legislative conference that brings recreational boating leaders to our nation’s capital to formulate public policy and present a unified front on issues that impact the health and profitability of marine businesses. This year, 38 organizations are endorsing ABC as co-hosts – including the Marine Retailers Association of the Americas (MRAA) – summoning an excellent cross-section of boating industry support for the event.

Attending ABC gives marine businesses an opportunity to learn how to grow in the current challenging economy; understand the status of key federal legislation concerning the marine industry; realize legislative and regulatory trends that impact business; and network with other leaders across all segments of the marine industry.

The key conference day is Wednesday, May 7. The morning kicks off with a number of guest Congressional speakers and an industry panel discussion, leading up to an afternoon of Hill visits. May 5 and 6 are primarily reserved for board and committee meetings.

MRAA and the Young Leaders Advisory Council (YLAC) will each hold Board of Directors meetings as part of the event. Members of both boards will walk the halls of Capitol Hill May 7, visiting the offices of their state delegations to discuss their businesses and the local economy, as well as key issues important to boat dealers, marina operators and boatyards. MRAA encourages its members to attend ABC and participate in the Hill visits.

MRAA has identified six issues that it considers high priority at this year’s ABC. We created six “leave-behinds” that outline these issues and their relevance to/potential impact on marine retailers. MRAA asks that you review this material. Copies of these leave-behinds will be made available to all marine retailers and state marine trades associations at ABC.

For more information on attending ABC, click here.

We look forward to seeing you in Washington next month!