The Association of Marina Industries (AMI) will host its Clean and Resilient Marina Course at the 2023 Annual Conference. The course held January 29 – 30, leads right into the Marina and Boatyard Tour, the kickoff event at this year’s conference.
AMI’s Clean and Resilient Marina Course, is the first step in becoming a Clean and Resilient Marina Professional (CRMP) and accessing AMI’s online Clean Marina Verification Program. AMI’s Program, allows you to self-certify your marina as clean and resilient. The course also provides foundational knowledge for those seeking state-level clean marina certification.
The course covers clean marina topics including – marina siting and design, stormwater management, marina maintenance, facilities, and habitat, vessel maintenance and repair, and much more. More importantly, the course is designed to start you on your way toward facility certification, through classroom activities.

An agenda for the course can be found here and covers one and a half days of classroom time and activities and includes registration in AMI’s popular Marina and Boatyard Study tour, where you can put your knowledge to practical use while touring multiple marinas. Register now while seats are still available.
Please contact Eric Kretsch, EKretsch@MarinaAssociation.Org, for more information about the Clean and Resilient Marina Program, or Kayce Florio,, for more information about the Annual Conference and Expo.
The Association of Marina Industries (AMI) is a nonprofit membership organization that provides management training, education, and information about research, legislation, and environmental issues affecting the marina industry.