Dealer Shares His Certification Story

Jim Armington of Buckeye Sports Center has been a part of the Marine Industry Certified Dealership program for about a decade, and he recently shared his experience with us.

“Originally, we signed up for dealer Certification, to be honest, to get the dealer Certification merit badge, to get the sticker in the window, not knowing how much we’d get out of it,” he explained. “And after even going through the program the first year, we learned quite a bit about follow up and procedures that we wanted to have in place, and every year since then, it’s really been a benefit.”

Armington participated in the inaugural Continuous Certification program in 2018 and has already completed some of the requirements for the 2019 program.

“I really think Continuous Certification has most changed our dealership by making us continually focus on what we can do to get better,” Armington said. “And the topics they bring up help kind of start that discussion, start that first step for us to work with the employees, to work with the rest of the team every year on what can we do to get better every year. And Continuous Certification, as the name would indicate, just kinds of directs us towards that.”

Watch Armington’s full Certification story