The check(list) is in the mail

MINNEAPOLIS – Members of the Marine Retailers Association of the Americas should keep an eye on the mail in the weeks ahead.

On Wednesday afternoon, newly appointed MRAA Director of Membership & Marketing Liz Walz completed a major project for the association, amassing, organizing and mailing out a re-vamped member kit to all current and new members of the MRAA. The contents of this package include detailed information on MRAA’s member benefits and how each member can take advantage of them.

“We’ve done so much to increase the value of MRAA membership over the past year, like more than doubling the member benefits,” Walz explains. “Now is a great time to get the word out to all of our members about what’s new at MRAA. Long-time members, for example, may be aware of some of the improvements we’ve made but missed other announcements. This updated kit will serve as a checklist of sorts for members of the numerous ways they can boost their return on investment in MRAA.”

To accompany the member kit project, Walz created an landing page that demonstrates how retailers can get the most from their membership. That page features a how-to for getting started with membership for new members; an “amp up your ROI” document for existing members; and overviews of the MRAA Rewards Program, Resource Center, legislative efforts, Marine Retail University events, and Bearings e-newsletter, among other things.

“Many of the programs we offer are very easy to use and require little to no additional investment on the dealer’s part,” Walz explains. “We simply want to make it as easy as possible for our members to benefit from their association with us, and these resources help us accomplish that.”

The MRAA Benefits Committee is hard at work evaluating the association’s current benefits and looking at ways to add to the opportunities available to its members. MRAA expects to make some big announcements in the coming weeks about additional ways that MRAA members can benefit from their membership.