How has boat show season impacted your outlook for the prime selling season and remainder of the year ahead?
I found the show season to be good, but not stellar. The major price increase due to tariffs in Canada has caused sticker shock to potential boat buyers. High end product is selling, whereas mid-range product is struggling. Also, we are finding it hard to create a sense of urgency. – Robert Rule, Maple City Marine
The boat selling season is starting off RED HOT in Vermont! – Mark Saba, Saba Marine, LLC.
Boat show season told me, although we are okay now, the season ahead will be shaky, retail-wise. The boat tarriffs, currency and a slowing global economy are definitely having a negative impact on the the consumer and sales opportunities. – Andy Blenkarn, Desmasdon’s Boat Works
We had a good start considering the weather has been terrible, however, I am seeing head winds building from interest rates, price increases and the up coming election year. It think it will slow significantly as we enter the fall season. – John Ladner, Breath’s Boats & Motors