MRAA is considering support of H.R. 2795, the Marina Operator Tax Obligation Act introduced by Representative Doug Collins (R-Georgia) on July 23, 2013. The bill has one co-sponsor, Representative Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas), and has been referred to the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment. No action has yet been scheduled by the Subcommittee.
The bill would prohibit the Secretary of the Army from imposing a special fee under a lease entered into with a concessionaire for the use of Army-controlled real property at a water resources development project if 1.) the lease is for the operation of a facility making restaurant, gasoline, or marine engine sales in connection with a marina, and 2.) the fee exceed 1 percent of the facility’s gross revenues.
Two marinas were forced to close on Lake Lanier in Georgia due the Army Corps imposed fee on their operations. Lake Lanier is a popular recreation spot for boaters and anglers and is managed by the Army Corps of Engineers. MRAA’s support of H.R. 2795 would help eliminate such situations.