Building Tomorrow’s Marine Workforce 

(NOTE: This is the second blog in a three-part blog series where MRAA members and staff share examples of how they have worked to develop the local workforce within their business and community.)

By Wendy Ramsey, General Manager, Pirate Cove Marina

Workforce development has become one of the most important topics in the marine industry over the last year. Here in Kemptville, Ontario, we’ve taken proactive steps by reaching out to our local high schools at the beginning of each school year to connect with co-op teachers. Co-op placements are work-integrated learning opportunities where students gain practical experience in their field of study by working for a company or organization. These placements are typically part of a formal education program, allowing students to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings while earning academic credit. Co-op placements often last for several months. The main benefits of co-op placements include:

  • Work experience: Students gain hands-on experience in their industry, making them more competitive in the job market.
  • Networking: Co-op placements help students build relationships with professionals in their field, potentially leading to future job opportunities.
  • Skill development: Students can develop both technical and soft skills in a professional environment.
  • Career exploration: A co-op placement allows students to explore their chosen career path and confirm their interest in it.

Much like U.S. high school elective classes such as “shop,” art, computer programming, etc. We’ve found by making these connections early, we ensure that when students inquire about new opportunities, our dealership is one of the first options considered.

Since implementing this initiative, we’ve consistently brought in two to three students each year. These students work closely with the technicians in our shop. They will learn how to complete basic tasks in the shop and assist with the work the technician is completing that day. Whether it’s an oil change or diagnosing a blown engine they are there learning. Depending on the co-op student we can have them full days for a semester or a couple hours each day. This past summer we had one of our co-op students come back and work full time in the shop and requested to do full time co-op with us this semester. She completes her co-op for school then punches in to work the remainder of the day. 

Additionally, we collaborate with shop and career classes, visiting schools to discuss the range of career opportunities within the marine industry, from technician roles to service advisors. These conversations open students’ eyes to the possibilities of a fulfilling career in the marine field, and we’re always ready to answer any questions they may have.

While one dealership alone cannot make a huge impact on the workforce by itself, we can collectively. If each of us, or our teams took a little time to engage with local schools, the impact could be tremendous. We know students are not encouraged with the same enthusiasm as college paths, so it is up to us to make that difference. It’s an investment not just in our businesses, but in the future of the entire marine workforce.

Building Tomorrow's Marine Workforce

About the Author 
Wendy Ramsey is the incoming YLAC Chair and is the General Manager of Pirate Cove Marina and Owner of RBK Distribution in Kemptville Ontario, Canada. She’s been a leader and catalyst for workforce development in Ontario and with the schools in her region. 

Future-Proofing Your Workforce: Using AIMIE to Connect with the Next Generation

Acquiring and maintaining a steady, talented workforce is a tall task. We understand! That’s why Jennifer McLachlan, MRAA Membership Specialist, is hosting a webinar to share with you innovative ways that AIMIE (AI for Marine Industry Education) can help you grow and future-proof your workforce.

This conversational session explores the practical applications of AIMIE to enhance your dealership’s recruitment and training processes. Learn how to leverage AIMIE’s capabilities to attract and retain young talent, maximize efficiency and provide continuous education for your team.

Date & Time: Wed., Oct 9, 2024 / 12 p.m. CDT

Aimie Icon

MRAA Resources to consider:

Learn more about YLAC here.