To succeed as a manager, you need to get your people to fully commit to you and your business; to go “all in.” Whether you manage the smallest of teams or a big, multi-location marine dealership, you are the owner of a work culture — and few things will have a bigger impact on your […]
Dealers: Save 200 of Certification Program Costs at MDCE 2014
Marine retailers looking to renew their Marine Industry Certified Dealership status or get through the next step of the MICD Program in the most affordable way possible will have a golden opportunity to do so at the 2014 Marine Dealer Conference & Expo, taking place Nov. 16-19 at the Orange County Convention Center and Rosen […]
Certified Dealers: Save Big on Custom Videos at MDCE 2014
The cost of producing custom dealership videos can be an exorbitant expense for dealerships large and small. A professional job could cost upwards of $15,000 or more, and this is money that many dealerships must allocate to other, more pressing aspects of running their business on a day-to-day basis. Fortunately, the Marine Industry Certified Dealership […]
MRAA to Host Special Presentation on Obamacare at MDCE 2014
In order to take care of your business and dealership team members, you need to first understand what’s happening in the government and the industry. Matt Gruhn, president of the Marine Retailers Association of the Americas, and Jeff Englander, senior vice president and senior research analyst at GE Capital, will lead the MRAA Special Presentation […]
Networking Reception Kicks Off MDCE 2014
The 2014 Marine Dealer Conference & Expo officially got underway with much excitement last night during the Opening Night Kick-Off Reception on the Expo Floor. MDCE runs Nov. 16-19 at the Orange County Convention Center and Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando, Fla. During the networking event, dealers were treated to their first glimpse of the […]
MDCE 2014 Kicks Off With Opening Night Networking Event
Organizers of the 2014 Marine Dealer Conference & Expo will kick off the industry’s premier annual dealer educational event Sunday evening, Nov. 16, at a cocktail/networking reception on the Expo Hall Floor of the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Fla. MDCE runs at the convention center and adjacent Rosen Centre Hotel Nov. 16-19. Sponsored […]
MICD Program Helps Keep MDCE 2014 Attendees Connected
In today’s business environment, it’s critical that professionals have the ability to stay connected with the people and companies they work with 24/7, regardless of whether they’re at the desk or on the road. The Marine Industry Certified Dealership Program is making it possible for dealers to keep in touch with their home offices and […]
MRAA Educational Foundation Sets $20,000 Fundraising Goal
The MRAA Educational Foundation has set a goal of raising $20,000 in 2014 to provide financial support for education, training and professional development in the recreational marine trades. So far, the not-for-profit 501(c)3 corporation has raised $7,400. In order to continue to offer the growing number of scholarships and awards the foundation provides to train […]
Certified Dealers: Register Additional Locations to Get Certified and Save
The Marine Industry Certified Dealership Program is making it easier and more affordable for Certified Dealers to register multiple locations for the MICD Fast Track and Recertification at a special program enrollment rate for all dealerships that seek to Certify or Recertify more than one location. Certified Dealerships will now pay $2,499 for the first […]
MICD Program Offers Marine Retailers Incredible ROI
The Marine Industry Certified Dealership Program provides marine retailers across North America with the tools they need to achieve business and operational excellence at their respective dealerships. But the program offers dealers much more than just standards and processes; Certification grants dealerships access to a host of exclusive benefits designed to help them save money, […]