Learn to Shoot and Edit Boat Videos at MDCE 2014

Video has become one of the most powerful marketing tools available to today’s dealers. By learning to use this tool more effectively, dealerships are likely to see a much bigger payoff, both in terms of increased online traffic and boots through the door. At the 2014 Marine Dealer Conference & Expo, taking place Nov. 16-19 […]

MRAA Members: Get Help With Warranty Claims Through MarineLab

Warranty work is an essential part of doing business for marine dealers; critical to take care of customers’ needs, but not always cost-effective or profitable for the dealership. Membership in the Marine Retailers Association of the Americas takes the headache out of filing, managing and tracking warranty claims by giving MRAA members exclusive access to […]

Prioritize Strategies for Improvement at MDCE 2014

It’s not uncommon to read a great book, attend an eye-opening seminar or finish up a powerful 20 Group meeting and come away from the experience feeling inspired, but also overwhelmed. The trick is to have a process for harnessing the key take-aways from that experience and channeling them into the areas of your business […]

Sell More Boats to Women

For years, there have been studies that show women typically hold the purse strings in their families. But while almost everyone in the retail marine industry is aware of it, little has been done within the sales department to improve success among this group. At the 2014 Marine Dealer Conference & Expo, taking place Nov. […]

Anti-Ethanol Lobby to Support H.R. 875

With 24 co-sponsors, a bill introduced by Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) has the full support of several large, diverse organizations working together to repeal the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). H.R. 875 was reported out of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee in April 2014 and is waiting for House floor action. The coalition has […]

Congress Sends Highway Bill to President

Congress sent H.R. 5021, the Highway and Transportation Funding Act, to President Obama Aug. 1. The bill successfully amends the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund to May 31, 2015 and provides funding for programs important to recreational boating for coastal wetlands restoration, recreational boating safety, sport fish restoration, projects under the Clean Vessel […]

Do-Nothing Congress on Five-Week Recess

Many conservatives who believe “no legislation is good legislation,” after years of Congress passing laws that created an anti-business government bogged down by too many rules and regulations, may rejoice in the inaction of our current Do-Nothing Congress. Others may feel the opposite and lament Congress’ inability to get things done. But either way, there’s […]

MDCE Launches VIP Event Planning Kit Promo

Organizers of the Marine Dealer Conference & Expo announced today that they have launched a VIP Event Planning Kit promotion designed to help attendees plan for and get the most out of their attendance at the 2014 MDCE. This means that in addition to the Early Bird Discount of $25 and an MRAA Member discount […]