ELKHART, IN — Nautic Global Group Chairman of the Board and CEO James (Jim) R. Malone will host a fireside chat on Friday, Dec. 13, to share his new vision for the company. The event, which will be attended by key NGG dealers, will be moderated by Matt Gruhn, President of the Marine Retailers Association […]
MRAA Asks Congress to Support Privatization to Reduce the Budget and Increase Competition
MRAA joined with an impressive list of 43 other organizations in a letter to the House Budget Committee, as it went to conference on a Budget Resolution, to consider a strategy to reduce spending by promoting privatization of certain government services. Privatization includes vouchers, asset sales, contracting out, divestiture, franchising, concessions, and public-private partnerships as […]
MRAA Joins with 40 Organizations In Full Page Ad and Letter to Congress Supporting Elimination of…
On December 10 MRAA joined with 40 other organizations in an open letter to Congress and a full page advertisement in Political, a Capitol Hill newspaper, asking Congress to support several bills that have been introduced in both the House and Senate which would eliminate the corn ethanol mandate in the renewable fuel standard (RFS). […]
MRAA Asks President to Support EPA Decision to Waive 2014 RFS for Ethanol
MRAA Chairman Steve Baum and President Matt Gruhn has asked the President to support the recent decision by the US Environment Protection Agency to waive the 2014 Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). Many have expressed great concern that the market cannot accommodate higher levels of ethanol. “We remain concerned that the new RFS would require more […]
ACMA Meets at MDCE to Advise MRAA on 2014 Legislative Agenda
Representatives from fifteen marine trades associations met under the Advisory Council of Marine Associations (ACMA) at the Marine Dealer Conference and Expo (MDCE) to review legislative and regulatory activity at the states and federal government. ACMA serves as the legislative committee of the MRAA Board and prepares resolutions which are presented to the MRAA Board […]
Do-Nothing Congress Ends Year with Fewest Passed Bills on Record
As the Washington Watch goes to press, Congress has passed 55-laws; and with only a few days left before the end of the year, the 113th Congress will certainly go down as the least productive in history. Even the infamous Do-Nothing Congress of 1948 did more. Hyper-partisanship is gumming up the bulk of laws. Most […]
MRAA unveils Guide to Success in 2014
MINNEAPOLIS — The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas has unveiled the second annual MRAA Guide to Success, a handbook packed with tips, ideas and next practices designed to help marine retailers outperform the market in 2014. This incredible 49-page resource, created in partnership with Lighthouse Media Solutions, includes 19 articles from 18 industry experts, […]
Top 10 Marine Industry Certified Dealerships Announced at MDCE
ORLANDO – The Marine Industry Certified Dealership (MICD) program announced their annual awards today at the Marine Dealer Conference and Expo (MDCE) in Orlando. These awards recognize outstanding Five Star Certified Dealers for best practices and best places to work. “Best practices and employee satisfaction are key elements in the MICD program,” said Matt Gruhn, […]
The Next Generation of the Marine Industry Certified Dealer Program Announced
ORLANDO – The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas (MRAA) opened Tuesday’s luncheon at the Marine Dealer Conference and Expo (MDCE) with an enthusiastic overview of growth both for the event and their staff. President Matt Gruhn introduced new MRAA faces and turned the microphone over to Sonja Moseley, the Director of Certification and Benefits. […]
The new mobile app is a hit at MDCE
ORLANDO — The Marine Dealer Conference & Expo continues to roll out new initiatives that improve engagement and the overall attendee experience. One recent addition, that is receiving great feedback and high interaction on the user level is that all new 2013 MDCE mobile application. “It’s only Monday and the App is already setting up […]