In an unprecedented effort to sustain commercial and recreational fishing in the next several decades, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration set the world’s first catch limits for every species of marine animal it manages from Alaska Polluck to Caribbean conch making an important shift in public policy that could easily impact recreational fishing and […]
Final Longshore Rule Out
In 2009, after a long fought battle by a coalition of recreational boating trade groups, the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act was successfully amended by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to exclude certain additional recreational vessel yard workers from the federal law’s definition of “employee” as it related to repair and […]
STO: MRAA debuts nationwide insurance program
The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas announced that the MRAA Rewards Insurance Program, available through Norman-Spencer Marine Insurance Services to MRAA members, was rolled out nationwide March 1. The MRAA Rewards coverage, which is part of the agency’s AquaPac program, offers consumers broad, affordable insurance coverage that accommodates the full spectrum of boats … […]
MRAA announces AquaPac Boat/Yacht insurance available nationwide
BOCA GRANDE, Fla. – The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas announced today that the MRAA Rewards Insurance Program, available through Norman-Spencer Marine Insurance Services and only to MRAA members, was rolled out nationwide on March 1. The MRAA Rewards coverage, which is part of Norman-Spencer’s AquaPac program, offers consumers broad, affordable insurance coverage that […]
Industry Partnerships for ABC 2012 Support Louder Voice on Capitol Hill
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Last month, the Marine Retailers Association of the Americas was the first group to announce it would co-host the American Boating Congress with the National Marine Manufacturers Association, and today seven additional leading industry groups were announced as co-hosts of ABC, joining the rallying-cry to strengthen the industry’s collective advocacy impact following […]
BI: MRAA says new website offers new way of doing business
The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas today introduced an upgraded website that it says offers “an entirely new way of conducting business.” “To put it simply, this new website provides us the platform to reinvent the way we do business,” Matt Gruhn, president of the MRAA, said in a statement. “It may seem a […]
STO: Marine groups detail online progress
The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas unveiled a new website, and Dominion Marine Media reported significant growth in website visitors. The MRAA launched a new website that it said will change the way the group and its members conduct business. Read more…
MRAA launches new site, entirely new way of conducting business
BOCA GRANDE, Fla. – The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas announced today that it has embarked on, through the introduction of a new website, an entirely new way of conducting business. The new website, found at, not only boasts an array of new features for the association’s members, but it also integrates numerous […]
Highway Bill pulled from House floor
The following will link you to a newsletter from the American Recreation Coalition. You will note that the newsletter says the Speaker has pulled H.R. 7, the Highway Bill, from the House floor because the President has threatened a veto.February 2012 ARC Newsletter Larry InnisMRAA Legislative Affairs
Supreme Court to hear arguments against Affordable Care Act
I attended a briefing this afternoon on the upcoming case the Supreme Court will hold, which may repeal parts of the Affordable Care Act. Many small businesses and marine retailers are very concerned about the cost (affordability) of the Affordable Care Act (commonly known as Obamacare). From March 26 to 28, 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court […]