MRAA Annual Conference & Expo to rebrand, relocate in 2019

Event transformation has been designed to engage, energize and empower the marine dealer community to new heights.   MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 6, 2018 — The MRAA Annual Conference & Expo will embark on an exciting transformation in 2019, introducing a new name, relocating to a new location and delivering an all-new immersive event experience, the likes […]

MRAA Educational Foundation Opens Scholarship Application Process

The MRAA Educational Foundation has kicked off the 2018 application process for its six scholarships and the Darlene Briggs Marine Woman of the Year Award, at Included in those six scholarships is a new scholarship to help support dealership apprenticeship programs, our Marine Apprentice Technician Scholarship. The award and scholarships, which will be presented […]

AVALA Supports MRAA at the Partner Level

AVALA Marketing Group has joined the Marine Retailers Association of the Americas as its newest Partner level member.   AVALA Marketing Group is a digital marketing agency that supports manufacturers who sell high consideration goods through dealer channels, in efforts to drive more revenue throughout the entire customer lifecycle.   “While historically, we here at […]

Tell Washington That Tariffs are Bad for Boating

Boat dealers and manufacturers are beginning to feel the impact of the worldwide trade conflict. As the Trump administration continues to levy tariffs on materials, products and components vital to the recreational boating industry, the ripple effects have reached the retail level in the form of additional surcharges, delays, and even cancelled orders. In a […]

Are You On Board With BoatPAC?

BoatPAC is the recreational boating industry’s political action committee. It works by bringing all industry segments together to support candidates running for Congress who will represent and protect the interests of the recreational boating industry on Capitol Hill. But we need your help. Each year, we update our compliance records to ensure that we have […]

Tell Congress to Restore The Everglades

Restoring the Everglades’ historic water flows is a huge task that requires sustained forward progress on numerous projects.  One such project is the new Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) Reservoir. The reservoir plan was recently submitted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to Congress for approval. This must happen in 2018 if we expect real […]

Brunswick Establishes Boating Services Network, New Name Reflects Expanded Mission

Brunswick Corporation announced the establishment of Boating Services Network. Formerly known as Brunswick Financial Services, Boating Services Network embraces a new brand name along with an expanded mission of leveraging its current category leadership in marine dealer and consumer finance and related operational services, to offer a wide array of unique and differentiated services that […]

MRAA Seeks Talent for Awards Celebration

The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas announced today that it has opened the Call for Nominations and Applications process for the “Fork It Over” Marine Industry Talent Show. This event will be held during the second annual MRAA Opening Night Awards Celebration at the 2018 Marine Dealer Conference & Expo, Dec. 9-12 in Orlando, […]