Certification Program Launches Q3 Course

The Marine Industry Certified Dealership Program has released its third quarter Continuous Certification course: Align Your Dealership with Today’s Customer. This course is part of the requirements for dealers to maintain their Certification status and to continually improve their dealership.

Align Your Dealership with Today’s Customer teaches dealers about consumers’ needs and wants and how they’ve changed in recent years. It also shows dealers how to address those shift and make their dealership the retailer of choice for modern boat buyers.

Helping dealers achieve success are a variety of subject matter experts knowledgeable about the marine industry and consumer trends. MRAA’s Liz Walz and Jim Million, of Million Learning, lead dealers through the course, which also includes interviews from Sam Dantzler of Garage Composites, Rich Delancey of Level 5, John Spader of Spader Business Management and Bob McCann of the MRAA.

After dealers learn how consumers have changed, they have the opportunity to choose how they’ll adapt their dealership to the changes. Like a Choose Your Own Adventure book, after dealers take a self-assessment to determine their needs, they will choose one of three pathways to complete the course. The Culture Pathway offers dealers advice on adjusting their culture to meet the needs of today’s customer. The People Pathway helps dealers adjust their staffing needs to best serve the customer, and the Process Pathway walks dealers through new processes that can improve the customer experience.

Though dealers are only required to complete one pathway to fulfill their quarterly Continuous Certification requirement, they are welcome and encouraged to go back and watch all three pathways when they’re ready to continue improvement in how they serve their customers and prospects.

“This course offers a unique opportunity for our Certified dealers to learn about new retail trends, assess how they’re addressing those trends now, consider where they have gaps to fill and learn from the pathway that best assists them in filling those gaps,” says Liz Keener, Certification Manager for the MRAA. “We’re glad to give our Certified dealers this customizable e-learning course for the third quarter of 2019.”

Certified Dealers can access Align Your Dealership with Today’s Customer at MRAATraining.com. If you’re not currently Certified and want more information on the program, reach out to Nikki Duffney at 763-333-2420 or nikki@mraa.com or visit MRAA.com/Certification.