Dangerous precedent being debated in Connecticut

The Connecticut Marine Trades Association is alerting its members of what it calls “a very intrusive bill,” HB 5128, An Act Concerning Certain Revisions to the Coastal Zone Management Statutes. This bill, which would permit a “rise in the sea level” to be a factor in denying the use of or rebuilding on your waterfront or coastal property, has been approved by the Environment Committee and referred on to the House.

The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas, along the CMTA, believe that this bill gives unprecedented new powers to the state and local planning entities to interfere with development on the shore. The bill also uses language that we find puzzling, such as “to encourage the strategic realignment of development.” Marinas and other marine facilities could be at risk.

This is an incredibly important issue that simply has not received the attention and scrutiny it needs in the short legislative session. Additionally, a Shoreline Preservation Task Force has already been formed, and the issues are too impacting to make any decision before this group has had a chance to discuss all factors.

The MRAA echoes the CMTA’s concern, and we urge our Connecticut-based members to contact your state legislators today about this legislation and ask them to not take action on it this session. Your call to Hartford will be short but it’s very important that you make it. If you need some assistance finding a name or a phone number, call the CMTA office, 860-767-2645. CMTA is also asking that you email a short summary of any discussions you have with legislators on to Linda Kowalski of The Kowalski Group LLC.

For more information on this, you can find the substitute language adopted by the committee on the Connecticut General Assembly web site

Read the testimony offered by the CMTA on the subject.