‘Mondays Suck!’ or ‘I Can’t Believe I Get to do This!’

Mondays suck! or I can’t believe I get to do this! Which one of those phrases resonates with you today? Attitude is everything in the way you carry yourself, interact with others and in turn, influence others. That’s where this educational opportunity comes in.

There’s also an opportunity for those of you who might have read those two phrases and said … “Monday’s don’t phase me anymore and I definitely don’t love what I’m doing right now.” If this is you, take a deep breath and find some answers in the section titled “Burned out?”

Back to good or bad attitudes … In the MRAA training course A is for Attitude with Sam Dantzler of Wheelhouse College, he says that most people just go through life reacting to everything that happens. They don’t realize it’s not happening to them, but rather because of them.

His tip to you? Have a team conversation about attitude.

“If you get your attitude right, all of the rest of it will figure out. I can’t have anyone come to work with anything other than a I can’t believe I get to do this mood.”

Sam uses science, psychology and astrology to explain attitude in a way that is extremely interesting and entertaining. If this course sounds like the refreshing reminder you need for yourself and/or your team, follow the simple steps below. If you rolled your eyes and grumbled about not being able to handle this right now, skip ahead to “Burned out? Yep, that’s me.”

MRAA Silver and Gold Members can access this month’s “Training ‘N’ Tactics” simply by logging into MRAATraining.com and clicking on “2021 TNT” in the dashboard. Or use the search function to find it. The cost will zero out.

If you’re not a Silver or Gold Member, you can become one! Learn more here.

Burned out? Yep that’s me.

For those of you who are completely overwhelmed mentally, physically, emotionally, or all the above, we hear you and want you to know that this is a sign of burnout. Maybe you skip this month’s TNT session (but obviously don’t forget about it next month) and take the future recommended TNT course called “Moving Beyond Burnout.” David Spader, of Spader Business Management, spoke to MRAA Dealer Week 2020 attendees about the importance of recognizing and working through burnout.

So, if this scenario is more you or your team, you have three options:

  1. Use your MRAA Dealer Week registration to log in and watch the recording of the course available to you until March 31. If you’re not registered, you can still register to gain access to this course, the expo hall and 30+ other educational opportunities. FYI, we’re also doing an MRAA Ask The Expert Webinar: “Follow-up to Moving Beyond Burnout” with Spader on Thursday, March 18, for Dealer Week attendees. This webinar is sponsored by MRAA Partner Member National Powersport Auctions.
  2. Become an MRAA Silver or a Gold Member to access the course after it’s unavailable on Dealer Week (March 31). Our TNT Series will be revisiting this course in August.
  3. We get it, if you didn’t register for MRAA’s Dealer Week, it feels like you don’t have a choice in accessing this course. Reach out to us! We’d love to help you find a way to gain access.

While it’s easy to simply state “check your attitude at the door” or “adjust your attitude,” we also have to realize, when we’re in a state of burnout it typically means we’re in a more negative environment and mental state. It may feel like things aren’t going as well for us — when things are crazy busy or constantly changing, it’s difficult to respond intelligently and many respond instinctively.

You can see how negative environments and negative energy created by stress, change, poor culture and more can easily and negatively alter our once positive attitude. Even just changing attitude might not be enough. But, recognizing where your employees are at, could save you in the long run and in turn, keep the people who you value the most.