Lead Generation and Nurturing
Developing your leads into real business for each of your departments can take a lot of collaboration between marketing, sales and F&I offices. It involves CRM technology, processes and more! Check out the resources below, which include both free and MRAA member resources.
5 Tips to Using Pre-Qualified Programs to Nurture Leads
You may have noticed that many of the web providers and DMS systems are now providing some version of a “Soft-Pull Pre-Qualification” program. These can provide information to you with regard to your prospective customer’s credit, which can help you successfully nurture more of your leads into sales.

‘Tis the Season for Collecting New Leads
Pre-season is in full swing! Some dealers are smack-dab in the middle of their boat show, and others have already wrapped theirs and are in follow-up mode … With that in mind, be sure you team is prepped with the correct tools to make capturing leads much simpler, because now is the time to start collecting — and qualifying — your leads!
Marina Dock Age Article: ‘Recreation Industries Work Side by Side to Retain Customers’
A look at how customer retention will play a key role in keeping customers boating and recreating in, on and under water. MRAA President Matt Gruhn and Chris Edmonston, Vice President of Government Affairs for BoatUS, share insights about retention efforts and the importance of it.

Operation: Keep Your Customers Boating
“Operation: KeepYour Customers Boating” is a step-by-step guide to helping you ensure the boat ownership experience exceeds expectations, creating an environment where your customers develop “two-foot-itis” and will be back in to trade up on their boats.
MRAA’s Guide to Boat Shows
The MRAA Guide to Boat Shows will walk you through how to have a successful show season,
whether your show is in-person or online.

Realign Your Website Guide
Realign Your Website was created by MRAA, in partnership with Dominion Domains. This guide was designed to help marine retailers set goals and clearly define the ultimate purpose of their website.
The Guide to Customer Relationship Management
This Guide to Customer Relationship Management was created by MRAA in partnership with CDK Global Recreation and DockMaster.

MRAATraining Courses
Login required to view course descriptions
- How to Identify & Attract Your Ideal Customer in 2022 with Danny Decker
- Stop Leaking Customers! Master Omni Channel with Sam Dantzler
- Grow Your Business with First Time Boat Buyers with Jim Million
- How to Build Your 2021 Marketing Plan with or without a Boat Show with Marcus Sheridan
- How to Sell to First Time Boat Buyers with Sam Dantzler
- Marketing the Boating Lifestyle with Samantha Scott
- Millennials: How They Work and Why They Buy with Sam Dantzler
- Sell More Boats with CRM Coaching with Bob McCann
- Why Your Dealership Needs a Business Development Center with Sam Dantzler
- Webinar: A New Tool for Customer Follow-Up with Bob McCann
- Webinar: How to Make this Season’s Boat Shows Work for You with Don Cooper

Maximize Boat Show Sales:
- Boat shows remain one of marine dealers’ biggest expenditures.
- Get your show strategy right and prepare to execute it well
- How to update and evolve your sales and CRM strategies and processes
- How your boat show sales process should differ from your showroom sales process, and how changes in consumer behavior and expectations should influence the way you train for a successful show and follow up afterward.
- Gold and Silver MRAA members, enjoy this course courtesy of the Marine Industry Certified Dealership program. To learn more about Certification, visit mraa.com/get-certified.
Take Your Dealership from Good to Great with Sam Dantzler:
Most dealerships today are like leaky buckets. They spend tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to attract prospects and customers to boat shows, websites and their front door. When those efforts are successful, the typical dealer watches nearly half of those hard-won leads quickly flow back out again without being captured and put to work to drive current and future business.
- how to create this kind of discipline to transform your business from good to great.

Benefits for All MRAA Members
MRAATraining.com: All MRAA members receive one free course annually.
MRAA’s vBDC: Through the vBDC, MRAA and our partner, Customer Service Intelligence, Inc., will handle your customers with great care, following up with them with gratitude and empathy and will report any issues (and of course, positive feedback) to you so you can keep them happy and on the water, as well as in the queue for that upgraded boat in the not-so-distant future. Enroll today so we can begin helping you strengthen the future of your business.
Discounts on Dealer Week Online: Packed with fresh, relevant education you can use to develop yourself and your team.
Discounts on the Marine Industry Certified Dealership and Continuous Certification programs: Develop dealership processes you can use to train your team.