Meet the New MICD Content Manager

Welcome Lindsey Johnson, the new content manager for the MICD Program. Johnson will be responsible for helping raise awareness of MICD for industry and consumer audiences alike. She comes to the program with more than 13 years professional experience in the marine industry, as both a journalist/editor and communications/PR professional, having worked for trade and consumer media outlets like Soundings Trade Only and Lakeland Boating magazine, and industry organizations like the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA).

Johnson has written numerous articles, press releases and related marketing materials for the previous iteration of the MICD Program launched back in the late-2000s as part of the industry’s Grow Boating Initiative. She looks forward to helping the new-and-improved MICD thrive and grow under the revamped program structure and increasing consumer awareness and appreciation of the value of the MICD program.

Say “hi” via e-mail if you get the chance: