More than 250 people already registered for 2013 MDCE!

MINNEAPOLIS – With more than six months to go before the start of the 2013 Marine Dealer Conference & Expo, more than 250 marine industry professionals have already registered to attend the event.

The 251 registrants represent a new record — by a long shot — for the MDCE at this point in the year. In fact, that number is a 173-percent increase over the previous highest number of registrants prior to May 1. The previous high was 92 registrants in 2012.

“Clearly, these people understand the great value that the MDCE has to offer them year-in and year-out,” says Matt Gruhn, President of the Marine Retailers Association of the Americas, who co-produces the MDCE with Boating Industry. “They trust in the opportunities, ideas and connections that this event will provide them, and they know that when we say this year will offer the best educational line-up to date, we will follow through on that promise.”

The finishing touches are being put on the educational agenda this week, and the speakers and topics will begin to be announced later this month. The full event promotional brochure will be published in June and will be inserted into Boating Industry magazine.

“We are thrilled with the number of people who are already registered,” says Amy Collins, Publisher of Boating Industry. “The MDCE has been growing in momentum over the past six years, and we expect to continue that momentum through this year’s event and beyond.”

Anyone interested in registering can save up to $125 off of the standard rate by registering today. The early-bird discount of $50 applies, and MRAA Members can add on a $75 discount for a total of $125 in savings. Members simply need to login to this website and register. If you’re not a member, join today. If you are and forgot your password, call Matt Gruhn at 763-315-8043.

About the Marine Dealer Conference & Expo

The Marine Dealer Conference & Expo is the Marine Retailers Association of the Americas’ annual conference and member meeting. As the marine industry’s only dealer-specific educational conference, the MDCE features an in-depth line-up of educational topics, a full-featured expo hall, and a series of fixed networking opportunities, all of which are designed to help marine dealers connect with and learn from others who can foster their success. The MDCE is co-produced by the MRAA and Boating Industry, and it offers a keynote presentation, three tracks of educational content, and more than 20 sessions in all. It will be held Nov. 17-20 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Fla. Learn more at