MRAA Surpasses 2018 BoatPAC Fundraising Goal

BoatPAC is the recreational boating industry’s political action committee. Since 2015, MRAA and NMMA have to support candidates running for Congress who will represent and protect the interests of the recreational boating industry on Capitol Hill. Last February, MRAA pledged to raise $20,000 from within the retail sector. In the 2018 calendar year, the MRAA board of directors and general membership donated more than $22,000 to BoatPAC. MRAA would like to thank all those that donated, your dollars help to support strong advocates for recreational boating and ensures that our priorities are protected.

But, we still need your help. Each year, we update our compliance records to ensure that we have a prior approval form signed by our members, which authorizes BoatPAC to communicate with or solicit you and your executive and administrative employees. The Federal Election Commission (FEC) requires that we have this form on file in order to send you BoatPAC related communications. Please know that BoatPAC will be respectful of your corporate policies when partnering with you on all communications.

Please help us update our records by signing the online BoatPAC Prior Approval form today.