On the Fence About Scripts? Winging It Is a No-Go

I’ve been telling dealers for years to move their sales conversations to the phone because tone of voice is a big, damn deal. It has a major effect on how prospects perceive you.

 src=So, how do sales call scripts fit into that perception?

We believe that there are three core elements in effective face-to-face communication, and tone is a big one: Experts suggest it accounts for 38 percent of how your message is perceived — 38!

Believe it or not, scripts can help you with tone. Here’s why: As a sales rep, you should know what you are going to say during a call before you pick up the phone. Maybe not word-for-word but at least know the talking points, so that you can make good use of both your time and the customer’s time. Maybe you can wing it and do that, but most of us need a little help.

If you have a powerful script, you’ll know what to say and how to say it every time and increase your chances of a totally successful phone conversation. A well-tuned script will help you avoid mental hiccups that can result in time wasted and missed opportunities.

Personalize your script (to avoid the robot effect)

Over the years, you’ve developed certain key responses or phrases that are always ready to go when you’re talking to people — that’s a script.

A common misconception about sales scripts is that they’re robotic and rigid. Word to the wise: They will only be that way if you make ’em that way. You will want to tailor and personalize a script for different settings and conversations without steering away from your core message.

Martial arts legend Bruce Lee has a great quote about training that applies here: “Absorb what is useful, discard what is not and add what is uniquely yours.” So, when it comes to a script, it’s about adding your own flavor without eliminating the things that have to be said.

The first step to personalizing is actually knowing the script well. That way, you can put your own spin on it and not completely go off-message. When you follow and personalize a script, you:

  • Make your points consistently,
  • Don’t miss opportunities,
  • Build better rapport,
  • Seize your calls to action.

People who don’t like scripts say things like, “I’m a natural. Scripts just hold me back from connecting with people.”

We developed this phone script for you to use to make it easier for you to connect with people. The power of using a script is that it helps remind you of talking points that will help make a better connection with the customer by focusing on the fun of boating vs. the pain of the problems.

Personalize the script, so you can provide value within a short period of time. That’s what people want. That’s what I think scripts are powerful for — you know what to say, without thinking about it.

Final thoughts: You have to guide (not control) a conversation. You know where you’re going already — lean on your script to help you guide your customers to where you want to go. Stick to the script and start using it to your advantage.