If your business accepted payment from Visa and Mastercard payment cards between 2004 and 2019, you can file a claim for your portion of the $5.5 billion Payment Card Interchange Fee settlement. MRAA was contacted by the court-approved outreach team in order to ensure MRAA members are aware of the settlement and how to file their claim.
The settlement is the result of an antitrust class-action lawsuit that will provide relief for millions of U.S. merchants who allegedly paid inflated interchange fees charged by Visa and Mastercard over a 15-year period.

Claims forms began going out in the mail in December of 2023 and have all the information you need to file your claim in just a few minutes. If you don’t want to wait to receive your claim form in the mail, you can begin your claim online at the court-approved website: www.paymentcardsettlement.com.
It can take as little as five minutes to submit online or by mailing the completed claim form to the settlement administrator.
- The easiest and quickest method to submit is scanning the unique QR code on the claim form you will receive in the mail.
- The QR code will open a personalized, secure page in the claims portal that is prefilled with your unique credentials.
- For most class members, where data is available, it will also prefill your interchange fees paid during the 15-year class period, to the extent data is available.
- No-cost assistance is available from the settlement administrator and Class Counsel.
Your claim amount will be calculated based upon a percentage of the interchange fees your business paid during the Class Period as well as a variety of other factors, including the total number of valid claims received. Claim amounts will be calculated and processed following the close of the claims period. Please be patient.
To receive a claim payment, a business must file a claim before the claim period ends on May 31, 2024.
Some class members will need to take additional steps and provide supporting data to show their share of eligible payment card transactions and / or interchange fees during the period.
If you didn’t receive a claim form or can’t find your claim form, contact the settlement administrator at info@PaymentCardSettlement.com or 1-800-625-6440.