Presidential candidates differ over CAFE standards

In September, the Obama Administration announced the most strict new vehicle fuel efficiency standards that would require auto manufacturers’ fleet average (CAFE) for automobiles to be 54.5 mpg by 2025. This move was strongly opposed by the Marine Retailers Association of the Americas, but had the support of the auto industry and environmentalists. The new standards include a new CAFE for pickup trucks needed to pull recreational boats and cars of 34.5 mpg by 2016.

Auto dealers and MRAA warned the government that the cost to achieve this new CAFE standard would surpass $3,000 per vehicle, which would shut out more than 7 million people from buying a new vehicle and prevents many millions more from buying a vehicle of choice to meet their family needs like recreational boating.

In addition to increasing fuel efficiency, the rules also establish an emissions standard of 144 grams of carbon dioxide per mile for passenger cars and 203 grams for trucks.

GOP presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, has vowed to overturn these tough standards, if elected. He said he would “get the EPA out of the effort to manage carbon dioxide emissions from automobiles and trucks.”