The Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released data proving what we already knew: recreational boating is a major generator of economic activity across the nation. Outdoor recreation generates $778 billion in gross annual input, or 2.2 percent of annual U.S. GDP, while supporting 5.2 million jobs. This makes the industry larger than […]
Tag: Legislative Updates
Hagedorn and Van Drew Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Expand Vocational and Skilled Workforce
Last week, members of the MRAA team had the chance to discuss the bill with Congressman Jim Hagedorn. Today, Congressmen Jim Hagedorn (MN-01), Jeff Van Drew (NJ-02), Ron Estes (KS-04) and Paul Mitchell (MI-10) introduced the “American Workforce Empowerment Act,” a bipartisan solution to address the growing shortage of skilled workers to fill job openings […]
MRAA Promotes Dealer’s Voice on Capitol Hill
The MRAA Advocacy team is hard at work for you. Newly appointed MRAA Government Relations Manager, Adam Fortier-Brown is working with members of Congress to address concerns with improving E15 labeling, and strengthening the U.S. labor force and the trades. To do this, he met with members on both sides of the aisle in the […]
MRAA meets with NOAA about Florida Keys Marine Sanctuary expansion
Our MRAA advocacy team met with members of NOAA to discuss the agency’s proposal to expand the Florida Keys Marine Sanctuary, found here. The team will continue to engage with NOAA to ensure that the dealer’s voice is heard and considered through this process. Locations for public comment begin at 6PM EST at the below […]
BoatPAC to Hold Florida Events with Elected Officials and Industry Champions
BoatPAC, the joint political action committee of NMMA and MRAA will host two events in Florida in the coming weeks with key members of Congress and industry champions. On October 1, BoatPAC will host an event in Tampa during IBEX with key industry champions at Jackson’s Bistro from 5:30pm – 8:30pm. Then, BoatPAC will head […]
MRAA, NMMA BoatPAC to Host Two Florida Events
BoatPAC, the joint political action committee of MRAA and NMMA, will host two upcoming events in Florida with key members of Congress and industry champions. Next Tuesday, Aug. 27, BoatPAC will host Congressman Mike Waltz in the Orlando/Daytona area at Mission Inn from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. BoatPAC then heads to Tampa for an […]
ORR, NGA Launch Outdoor Recreation Learning Network to Promote Economic Growth
The National Governors Association (NGA) today announced the launch of the Outdoor Recreation Learning Network – of which the Outdoor Recreation Roundtable (ORR) is a founding sponsor – to help governors and their staff leverage their states’ unique natural, cultural and historical outdoor recreation resources to advance economic, workforce, health and environmental benefits. “ORR is […]
Wisconsin Establishes Outdoor Recreation Office
Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers signed the state budget bill into law, which subsequently created the Office of Outdoor Recreation within Wisconsin Tourism – an important initiative that will help expand outdoor recreation opportunities in the state. With this measure, Wisconsin becomes the 14th state to establish an outdoor recreation office, a testament to the growing […]
60+ Organizations Support Adding U.S. Forest Service to Backlog Bill
Over 60 organizations have signed on in support of adding the U.S. Forest Service to the maintenance backlog bill. Below is the letter being sent to committee members. Dear Members of the Committee: The undersigned recreation groups and businesses strongly urge you to include the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) in the Restore Our Parks and […]
ORR Proposes Registered ORR Proposes Registered Appenticeship Report Language
Last month, the Outdoor Recreation Roundtable urged congressional appropriators to include report language in the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (LHHS) appropriations bill that expands the Department of Labor’s in-demand industries to include those which are critical to restoring economic resiliency to our rural and under-resourced communities, many of which directly […]