Washington, D.C. – The Outdoor Recreation Roundtable Board of Directors announced the appointment of Jessica Wahl as executive director following an extensive national search. Jessica brings a decade of experience navigating the halls of The White House, Department of the Interior (DOI), Capitol Hill, state recreation offices and outdoor lifestyle businesses. “Jessica is the ideal […]
Tag: Legislative Updates
Outdoor Industry Execs Urge Congress to Act on Public Lands Package
As the 115th Congress prepares to return for a short “lame duck session,” MRAA and other members of the Outdoor Recreation Roundtable are hard at work urging passage of key legislation reflecting ORR’s policy agenda. Two leaders of ORR, Chair Thom Dammrich of NMMA and Vice Chair Frank Hugelmeyer of RVIA recently penned an op-ed […]
Public Lands Continue to Drive Economic Growth in United States
Recently, U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke released the Department’s Economic Report for fiscal year 2017, which shows that for the first time in several years, economic growth and jobs supported by federal lands both increased. According to the report, in the Trump Administration’s first year, the economic output of Interior’s federal lands and […]
Renew Your Prior Approval and Join the Party at MDCE
BoatPAC is the recreational boating industry’s political action committee. It works by bringing all industry segments together to support candidates running for Congress who will represent and protect the interests of the recreational boating industry on Capitol Hill. But we need your help. Each year, we update our compliance records to ensure that we have […]
Senate Passes Critical Coast Guard Bill
Earlier this month, the Senate passed U.S. Coast Guard funding reauthorization legislation. The Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2017 (S. 1129). The bill is a priority for the recreational boating industry as it includes provisions regarding boating safety, boat registrations, and environmental protections. Speaking on the importance of the Coast Guard reauthorization, Senate President Mitch […]
RBFF Launches “Take Me Fishing” License & Boat Registration Widget
The Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation has launched the Take Me Fishing Fishing License & Boat Registration widget to bring fishing license and boat registration information to consumers on any site the widget is added to. This free tool can be embedded directly on marina, boatyard or any stakeholder website, to help customers and potential […]
ORR Releases Video Highlighting Recreation Industry’s Economic Impact
The Outdoor Recreation Roundtable issued a video this month reviewing the release of the first-ever report on the outdoor industry’s economic impact, known as the Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account (ORSA). Click here to watch the video. The ORSA report, produced by the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Economic Analysis was officially announced during a Capitol […]
NBSAC Holds 100th Meeting
The National Boating Safety Advisory Council (NBSAC) held its 100th meeting last week at the United State Coast Guard Training Center in Cape May, New Jersey. The council is comprised of Coast Guard officials, industry representatives, and members of the boating public and serves to provide invaluable advice to the Coast Guard on a broad […]
Interior Seeks Nominees for “Made in America” Outdoor Recreation Advisory Committee
The National Park Service and the U.S. Department of the Interior is seeking nominations for individuals to be considered for appointment to the Made in America Outdoor Recreation Advisory Committee. The Committee provides advice to the Secretary of the Interior on the public-private partnerships across all public lands, with the goal of expanding access to […]
Boating Industry PAC Reaches Fundraising Goal
BoatPAC, the federal political action committee of the MRAA and the National Marine Manufacturers Association, exceeded its 2018 fundraising goal of $200,000, raising nearly $202,000 from 348 donors. That figure is up from $154,000 and 312 donors in 2017. BoatPAC supports the election of candidates to the United States Congress who are strong advocates for […]