Tag: Legislative Updates

MRAA, Partners Send Message to Administration and Congress Regarding Broken Ethanol Policy

WASHINGTON, DC, May 3, 2017 – Yesterday, a letter was sent from MRAA and a group of industry partners to the Trump administration and Congress. The coalition of recreational boating and sportfishing interests urged action to fix America’s broken ethanol policy. The American Sportfishing Association (ASA), Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS), National […]

MRAA, Outdoor Recreation Executives Publish Letter to Administration in WSJ

WASHINGTON, D.C.,  May 4, 2017 — In an open letter published yesterday in the Wall Street Journal, MRAA and executives from more than 100 outdoor recreation industry companies praised the agenda being set by Department of the Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke during the first 100 days of Donald Trump’s presidency. These leading executives represent many […]

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe Appoints Paul Rauch To Lead Agency’s Wildlife and Spo

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe today announced the appointment of Paul Rauch as the Service’s new Assistant Director for Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration (WSFR). Rauch, a career Service employee of more than two decades, has served as WSFR’s Acting Assistant Director since April. In his new capacity, Rauch will oversee grant […]

MRAA Joins Coalition Supporting the Sportfishing Act of 2016

The bill, championed by Senators Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) addresses two of the community’s top priorities. Of particular importance to the recreational fishing and boating community are provisions to prevent unnecessary fishing closures in Biscayne National Park, and to further ensure conservation of billfish populations. The issue was a key focus of […]

MRAA Board Chair Meets With Tenn. Senators

The visit was in conjunction with the American Boating Congress, an annual event hosted by the National Marine Manufacturers Association intended to unify the public policy voice of the pleasure boating sector. Randy joined the largest contingent of boating advocates in years on Capitol Hill for three days of congressional meetings, industry updates and strategic […]

MRAA Joins Coalition Supporting Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account

Funding for the initiative would ensure better assessment of the economic significance of programs and policies with the jurisdiction of the Departments of Agriculture and Interior. The letters voiced strong support for a recent statement issued by the Federal Recreation Council, which concluded ORSA would “directly and efficiently benefit both the private and public sectors, […]

Slate of 2016 ACMA Resolutions Approved by MRAA Board

1. To support and seek legislation to increase funding and awareness for vocational education, recognizing the marine industry’s shortage of qualified technicians across the country. 3. Communicate more frequently with state associations on legislative issues monitored at the national level, opportunities for public comment, and action alerts to share with MTA members.  5. Support actions […]

Conservation Groups Pen Joint Letter to Congressional Transportation Committee

The following letter was sent Feb. 24 and jointly signed by The American Sportfishing Association, B.A.S.S, Izaak Walton League of America, The Nature Conservancy and the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership.  Dear Chairman Shuster and Ranking Member DeFazio: As organizations representing a broad range of conservation, sportsmen and women, recreation, and outdoor industry interests, we are writing […]

Senate Hearing Sheds Light on Shifting Positions on the RFS

The following post discussing the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) was originally published online by the Center for Regulatory Solutions and appears here with permission.  This week’s Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works oversight hearing on the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) could prove uncomfortable for a number of Democratic members who have had a tough time dealing […]