The following is an article in today’s Washington Post that says the home mortgage interest deduction, including the second home interest deduction, is on the table as a means to address the fiscal cliff. It has been on and off the table for a long time now with staff saying only last week that it […]
Tag: Legislative Updates
EPA Recommends New Recreational Water Quality Criteria to Better Protect Public Health
WASHINGTON — Pursuant to an order from a U.S. District Court and as required by the Beaches Environmental Assessment and Coastal Health Act of 2000, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today recommended new recreational water quality criteria for states that will help protect peoples’ health during visits to beaches and waters year round. The science-based criteria […]
WP: ‘Fiscal cliff talks begin’
We’re sharing an article from the Washington Post about the fiscal cliff talks at the White House that concluded a few minutes ago. The positive news coming out of the meeting has sent the major financial markets up today (at least for awhile). As expected, it looks like both sides are willing to compromise and […]
Presidential candidates differ over CAFE standards
In September, the Obama Administration announced the most strict new vehicle fuel efficiency standards that would require auto manufacturers’ fleet average (CAFE) for automobiles to be 54.5 mpg by 2025. This move was strongly opposed by the Marine Retailers Association of the Americas, but had the support of the auto industry and environmentalists. The new […]
Sequestration looms large with fiscal cliff and Bush tax cuts in balance
The talk on the Hill these days is the Lame Duck Session that is coming after the election and the great concern about the fiscal cliff with its forced 10 percent across the board cut in the federal government budget (known as sequestration) that is due to hit on January 1. Members of both parties […]
Schumer introduces boating capacity standards bill
Senator Charles Schumer (D-New York) introduced S. 3537, the Boating Capacity Standards Act, on Sept. 13. It would require the Coast Guard to set maximum passenger capacity and maximum weight capacity standards for recreational vessels no matter the size. It would also require manufacturers and operators of passenger vessels to permanently display in a legible […]
Young introduces House Resolution praising hunters, anglers, boaters and industry
On Sept. 20, Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska) introduced H. Res. 801 to recognize America’s hunters, anglers, trappers, recreational boaters, recreational shooters, the industry, state fish and wildlife agencies, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for their leading role in restoring healthy populations of fish, wildlife, and other natural resources. There is one co-sponsor. A […]
MRAA shares concern over proposed loan restrictions for liveaboards
MRAA joined with the National Marine Bankers Association to voice strong concern about a recent proposed rulemaking by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that would adversely impact the ability of liveaboards to obtain financing on boat purchases. In a letter responding to a Federal Register docket, MRAA President Matt Gruhn and Chairman Dave Foulkrod expressed […]
MRAA supports letter encouraging passage of tax cuts
The following link will take you to a letter that 50 GOP Freshmen Congressmen signed to the Ways and Means Committee, encouraging passage of the extenders (Bush Tax Cuts). The committee is expected to be reviewing the extenders soon. The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas is encouraging passage of the tax extenders and has […]
ACMA to tackle legislative issues at MDCE
The Advisory Council of Marine Associations (ACMA) is set to meet during the Marine Dealer Conference & Expo (MDCE) in Orlando, Fla., Nov. 11-14. ACMA is a group of marine trades associations that serves as the MRAA Legislative Committee and advises the MRAA Board of Directors through its resolutions about legislative issues and strategies. […]