Small business optimism, as measured by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) Index of Small Business Optimism, dropped a tenth of a point in May, thus remaining at a historic low. This reading of 94.4 is “consistent with the sub-par performance of GDP and employment growth,” according to NFIB. Business owners’ expectations for future […]
Tag: Legislative Updates
Department of Homeland Security grants TWIC exemption
If your business employs workers that hold a Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC), you may want to learn more about a new temporary exemption from TWIC regulations regarding card expiration and replacement. The Department of Homeland Security has issued this exemption while it seeks comment on card reader requirements and deployment requirement plans. Click here […]
An MRAA Statement on Planning for the Death Tax: Can Small Businesses Survive?
This is a Statement for the Record of Mr. Matthew A. Gruhn, President, Marine Retailers Association of the Americas, Before the House Committee on Small Business on Planning for the Death Tax: Can Small Businesses Survive? Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax, and Capital Access. The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas greatly appreciates the opportunity to submit a […]
MRAA Leads MTAs in Opposition to National Oceans Policy
The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas led a group of 14 national and state marine trades associations in strong opposition to the proposed National Oceans Policy developed by a White House Commission. In a letter to the Chairman and ranking Member of the House Appropriations Committee, the group said a national oceans policy should […]
MRAA: ‘Kill the Death Tax’
The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas is submitting letters to the U.S. Senate and has launched a marine retailer grass roots campaign to kill the Death Tax. MRAA supports a forthcoming bill to be introduced by Senator John Thune (R-South Dakota) to permanently repeal the Death Tax. MRAA has long worked this issue and […]
EPA approves E15 usage
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently approved usage of an ethanol blend of up to 15 percent in gasoline. This gasoline blend is approved for automobiles but not on boats. The problem with this is that many consumers will fuel their vehicles and boats at the same pumps. It is clearly a decision that will […]
MRAA opposes EPA takeover of private lakes
The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas supports S. 2245, a bill introduced by Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyoming) that would stop the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from taking over all private water in our country and has started a grassroots co-sponsor campaign. The “Preserve the Waters of the U.S. Act” prevents the EPA and the […]
Senate, House extend transportation funding
The Washington Post reported today that the House and Senate both approved a 90-day extension for transportation funding. The House endured what The Post suggested was “an angry, finger-pointing debate,” but ultimately extended the funding at the same level for the next 90 days. The Senate, described as angry over the House’s earlier decision, “bowed […]
Dangerous precedent being debated in Connecticut
The Connecticut Marine Trades Association is alerting its members of what it calls “a very intrusive bill,” HB 5128, An Act Concerning Certain Revisions to the Coastal Zone Management Statutes. This bill, which would permit a “rise in the sea level” to be a factor in denying the use of or rebuilding on your waterfront […]
MRAA supports efforts to fund dredging
Through the Highway Bill, which we have been following over the last few weeks and months, the House of Representatives is attempting to un-freeze funds from the Harbor Maintenance Fund. The Administration has frozen these funds, which have historically been managed by the Army Corps of Engineers and have been used to dredge larger ports. […]