Author: MRAA

New Study Finds Take Me Fishing™ Campaign Motivates Decision to Boat & Fish

Campaign continues to achieve high levels of brand awareness and advertising effectiveness ALEXANDRIA, Va. – A new study released by the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation (RBFF) reveals that RBFF’s Take Me Fishing™ brand and Take Me Fishing advertising continues to achieve high levels of awareness, and that the campaign is positively affecting decisions to […]

Tax extenders letter signed by MRAA

The following is a letter that the MRAA signed on to and was recently delivered to every member of Congress. The letter urges extension of the tax provisions that expired at the end of 2011. The letter is signed by more than 1,500 businesses, associations, community development organizations, and non-profit organizations. This letter was nearly […]

STO: MRAA seeks reinvention on 40th anniversary

The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2012. “The foundation of the MRAA has always been to represent a united voice of the industry’s retailers, as well as to make their roles as retailers as efficient and cost-effective as possible,” MRAA president Matt Gruhn said in a statement. “Together with […]

MRAA celebrates 40th Anniversary in 2012

BOCA GRANDE, Fla. – The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2012. Launched by a small group of just 12 dealers in 1972, the MRAA has long stood as the voice of marine retailers throughout North America. The association has been headed up by just four executive directors/presidents over the […]

Marine Bankers report lending up 3 quarters in 2011

Most lenders expect 1Q2012 to be same or better than same period last year The National Marine Bankers Association introduced a brief quarterly members’ survey in 2011 to gauge changes in the lending environment and identify trends that could be used for business planning. Forty-two percent of the NMBA lender members (loan originators/brokers/ financial service firms, […]