MIACF creates Dealer Week member program

The Marine Industries Association of Central Florida sponsored registrations to the Marine Retailers Association of the Americas’ Dealer Week conference and expo with registrations for 15 of its members. In an effort to support the MRAA and to create even more benefits for the MIACF membership, the MIACF board of directors and executive director David […]

MRAA Adds Three Partner Members

MINNEAPOLIS —  Nov. 17 — The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas announces three new partners in Platinum Partner Chaparral / Robalo (Marine Products Corporation) and both Indmar Products, Inc., and the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation (RBFF) as Partner Members.   “MRAA is pleased to add these three outstanding partners to our membership list,” […]

Dealer Week’s online format attracts new dealers

Nearly 40 percent of the dealer registrants for Dealer Week 2020 will be attending the annual conference of the Marine Retailers Association of the Americas for the first time. Through the first week of November, a total of 23 dealership entities that have never attended the event were registered to participate, representing about 15 percent […]

MRAA, Outdoor Recreation Applaud Report Showing Industry Impact on GDP

On November 10, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released updated economic data, including national and state level data for both 2018 and 2019, on outdoor recreation’s significant economic impact on the U.S. economy including national and state level data for both 2018 and 2019, showing $788 billion in economic output, […]

Nearly 200 receive a sneak preview of Dealer Week

Close to 200 attendees participated in a special Dealer Week Preview Event this week, which offered a sneak peek at the platform where the Dealer Week Conference and Expo will take place online in December. More than 350 dealer attendees have already registered to attend the main conference in December. “Since Dealer Week is online […]

The MRAA and the Outdoor Recreation Community Needs Your Help

The MRAA and other outdoor recreation organizations are building a comprehensive list of Land and Water Conservation Fund-eligible recreation projects for funding through the Great American Outdoors Act. With the passage of GAOA this summer, we have an unprecedented opportunity to have our voice and priorities carried out through LWCF and the maintenance backlog. Now it’s on […]

Atlantic States Vote to Reduce Atlantic Menhaden Quota by 10%, Strengthening Fisheries

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC) Atlantic Menhaden Management Board voted yesterday to reduce the Atlantic menhaden quota by 10 percent, establishing a quota of 194,400 metric tons for the 2021 and 2022 fishing years. Atlantic menhaden are a primary food source for numerous sportfish populations, especially striped bass. The harvest reduction comes in […]

Certified Dealership Program Revamps Continuous Education

As rollout of the fourth year of the Continuous Certification Curriculum approaches, the Marine Industry Certified Dealership program team has taken feedback from participating dealers and worked to develop continuing education courses that are more customizable and flexible to the business needs of today’s marine dealers. The updated program will require current Certified Dealers enrolled […]

SmokerCraft Makes Large Contribution to MRAA and Dealer Week

Smoker Craft, Inc. has made a significant donation to the Marine Retailers Association of the Americas in support of Dealer Week and educational programming for its entire dealer network. While the Smoker Craft executive team of Doug Smoker, Peter Barrett, and Phil Smoker noted their desire to support MRAA financially with a significant donation, they […]