MRAA and our coalition partners are continuing to push back against Right to Repair legislation that surfaces throughout the country, as this presents a serious risk to boat users who may have had their engine improperly modified or repaired. MRAA is currently monitoring and pushing back against Delaware House Bill 22 which would require manufacturers […]
Tag: Legislative Updates
MRAA Board of Directors Outline 2021 Advocacy Priorities
The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas Board of Directors unanimously approved the adoption of the association’s 2021 advocacy priorities. The priorities were put together through responses to an industry-wide dealership survey where respondents ranked issues from most to least important. The responses were tabulated and the final recommendation was put together by MRAA’s Advocacy […]
Mandatory Engine Cut-Off Device Legislation Set to Take Effect April 1
On April 1, operators of most vessels under 26 feet long will be required to wear an engine cut-off device while the boat is underway. This measure builds upon steps taken in 2018 to require boat manufacturers to install these devices on most vessels under 26 feet. Operators of boats with above 3HP engines attached, […]
MRAA Outlines PPP Taxability Fixes to State Legislators
Last week, the Marine Retailers Association of the Americas submitted letters signed by recreational boating and recreational vehicle (RV) industry organizations to 15 state legislatures urging them to come into conformity with federal tax guidance on forgiven Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans to ensure that small businesses would not face unnecessary, and unexpected, tax […]
Biden Admin. Targets Smallest Businesses, Self Employed with Newest PPP Guidance
The Biden administration announced new guidance on Monday to target aid to the smallest employers in the nation by granting qualifying businesses exclusive access to PPP for fourteen days beginning on March 9. To be granted access, businesses with fewer than 20 employees will be given exclusive access for fourteen days. The Small Business Administration […]
Department of Interior Ensures Key Conservation Fund Benefits Boaters
MINNEAPOLIS — Feb.19, 2021 — Last week, the Department of the Interior released an order stating that it will reduce restrictions on the Land Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) that were implemented in November, a move applauded by the Marine Retailers Association of the Americas and the outdoor recreation community. The LWCF was strengthened by the […]
Bipartisan Gulf Reef Fish Bill Signed into Law
The Direct Enhancement of Snapper Conservation and the Economy through Novel Devices Act of 2020 (DESCEND Act) (H.R. 5126/S. 2960) was signed into law January 13. The bipartisan law requires recreational (including charter boats) and commercial fishermen to have on board a venting tool or descending device that is rigged and ready for use while […]
Wake Surfing Restrictions Proposed in Four States
As state legislatures begin their new sessions in the coming weeks, the Marine Retailers Association of the Americas (MRAA), National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) and the Water Sports Industry Association (WSIA), are engaging with policy makers on key issues including wake surfing access. There have been four states that have proposed legislation that would restrict […]
OSHA Releases Guidance on Mitigating, Preventing Spread of COVID-19 in the Workplace
WASHINGTON, D.C. — January 29, 2021 — In response to President Joe Biden’s January 21 executive order on worker health and safety, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued new recommendations and mandatory safety and health standards for employers. These recommendations create no new legal obligations for employers. The executive order also tasks OSHA […]