Tag: Legislative Updates

Bill Takes Aim at Great Lakes Invasive Species

On February 5, Rep. Candice Miller (R-Michigan) introduced H.R. 4001, the Defending Against Aquatic Invasive Species Act, to authorize swift preventive action to stop Asian carp from entering the Great Lakes. The bill has been referred to the House Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment, where no action has yet been scheduled. H.R. 4001 has […]

American Boating Congress Draws 36 Industry Organizations as Co-hosts

In 2013, the American Boating Congress (ABC) was co-hosted by 31 industry organizations who worked together to create a dynamic and engaging program, that met the needs of the entire recreational boating industry. This year, driven by 2013’s success, 36 industry partners have agreed to co-host ABC, answering the call to strengthen the industry’s collective advocacy impact. ABC will be […]

Update on Ethanol

The anti-ethanol DC coalition, Smarter Fuel Future, which MRAA is a member, generated over 10,000 comments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in support of its recent proposal to maintain 2013 blend volumes for corn-based ethanol. The marine industry contributed over 1,800 of those comments. During January, the coalition led a campaign that was strongly […]

MRAA Supports Change in Recreational Boat Definition in Longshore Act

MRAA supports H.R. 3896, a bill introduced on January 16, 2014 by Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, to amend the Longshore and Harbor Worker’s Compensation Act to provide a definition of recreational vessel that is a better and clearer application of the Longshore Act to marinas and insurance companies providing service work on recreational boats. There are […]

The Taxing Question in Congress

For the past several years, Congress has faced a year-end deadline to pass the tax extenders bill. It has been one of Congress’s bad habits. But it did not happen this year causing several key pro-business tax deductions like the estate tax and allowing business to deduct the cost of equipment purchases in the year […]

Congress Turns to Magnuson-Stevens, the Saltwater Fisheries Management Act

On February 4, 2014 the House Committee on Natural Resources held its first hearing on the re-authorization of the important Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act. This legislation guides federal saltwater fisheries management. A discussion draft of the authorization bill had been distributed to interested groups several weeks before the hearing. MRAA is generally pleased […]

MRAA Issues Action Alert on Ethanol

The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas has called marine retailers to action by asking them to contact the U.S. Environmental Protections Agency in strong support of its recent action to reduce the Congressional mandate on the renewable fuel standard (RFS) for corn-based ethanol, for 2014 to 2013 levels. For the past couple of years, […]

MRAA Considers Support of Marina Operator Tax Obligation Act

MRAA is considering support of H.R. 2795, the Marina Operator Tax Obligation Act introduced by Representative Doug Collins (R-Georgia) on July 23, 2013. The bill has one co-sponsor, Representative Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas), and has been referred to the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment. No action has yet been scheduled by the Subcommittee. The bill […]