Tag: Legislative Updates

Congress Turns to Magnuson-Stevens, the Saltwater Fisheries Management Act

On February 4, 2014 the House Committee on Natural Resources held its first hearing on the re-authorization of the important Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act. This legislation guides federal saltwater fisheries management. A discussion draft of the authorization bill had been distributed to interested groups several weeks before the hearing. MRAA is generally pleased […]

MRAA Issues Action Alert on Ethanol

The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas has called marine retailers to action by asking them to contact the U.S. Environmental Protections Agency in strong support of its recent action to reduce the Congressional mandate on the renewable fuel standard (RFS) for corn-based ethanol, for 2014 to 2013 levels. For the past couple of years, […]

MRAA Considers Support of Marina Operator Tax Obligation Act

MRAA is considering support of H.R. 2795, the Marina Operator Tax Obligation Act introduced by Representative Doug Collins (R-Georgia) on July 23, 2013. The bill has one co-sponsor, Representative Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas), and has been referred to the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment. No action has yet been scheduled by the Subcommittee. The bill […]

Rep. Blumenauer Introduces Bill to Double Federal Gas Tax

Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-Oregon) introduced H.R. 3636, the Update, Promote and Develop America’s Transportation Essential Act on December 3, 2013. The committee, commonly referred to as the Committee of Ways and Means, has no cosponsors. The bill would increase the federal excise tax on gasoline to 33.3 cents per gallon after 2015, and before 2025 […]

Congress Issues Discussion Draft of Magnuson-Stevens Fishing Act

MRAA is reviewing a Discussion Draft of the important Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, which provides flexibility to fishery managers and stability for anglers. The Discussion Draft was issued by the House Natural resources Committee. MRAA expects the Committee will introduce the bill in the next several months. Magnuson-Stevens sets fishing plans to re-stock […]

NOAA Issues Notice of Its Intent to Privatize the Printing of Navigation Charts

In an expected notice published on January 2, 2014, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration informed the public of its intent to make significant changes to nautical chart printing and distribution. The notice indicated that NOAA wants to expand navigation products and adjust its role in the production of nautical charts necessary for safe navigation. […]

Corn Ethanol Mandate Elimination Act

Forward progress was made yesterday, in our opposition against an increase in the ethanol blend, with  Senator Feinstein’s floor statement that introduced the Cord Ethanol Mandate Elimination Act. This legislation would eliminate the Federal corn ethanol mandate from the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). Please find the floor statement and a copy of the Corn Ethanol […]

MRAA Asks Congress to Support Privatization to Reduce the Budget and Increase Competition

MRAA joined with an impressive list of 43 other organizations in a letter to the House Budget Committee, as it went to conference on a Budget Resolution, to consider a strategy to reduce spending by promoting privatization of certain government services. Privatization includes vouchers, asset sales, contracting out, divestiture, franchising, concessions, and public-private partnerships as […]