The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas has long held the position that the Renewable Fuel Standard must be revised to prevent damage that ethanol blends above the 10% level will cause to engines of all types. The MRAA’s perspective aligns nicely with the head of the third largest ethanol producer. The Des Moines register […]
Tag: Legislative Updates
Environmental Protection Agency Regulation Intrudes on State Rights
In the past few years, USEPA has taken over many programs originally managed by state agencies. USEPA takeovers of state programs is up 2,750 percent. This has resulted in drastic increases in regulation of navigable water, something the MRAA is opposed to. Read more about the activities of USEPA here.
Bill Status of Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2013
Congress is discussing the possibility of increasing the federal minimum wage. The passage of this could affect your business. as S. 460 would increase the wage to over $10.00 per hour from the current $7.25. The Obama Budget includes a new wage of $9.00. Also, a companion bill in the House (H.R. 1010) has been […]
Is the blendwall upon us?
The Renewable Identification Numbers rose to record highs yesterday, indicating that the blendwall is upon us. This article speaks to how ethanol blends would clearly spike gas prices—something that is obviously not good for recreational boating and fishing. Read the full article here. In addition to the likely increase in gas prices, an increase in […]
Ohio Govenor signs bill on watercraft safety
The Governor of Ohio signed a bill into law on July 11 that becomes effective with the signing that establishes clear criteria for watercraft safety instructions before a recreational boat can be stopped and boarded on Lake Erie and other Ohio waters. In the past, water safety officers could stop a boat at any time […]
GOP Presses President for Answers on Obamacare Delay
As was published in the national media recently, the White House announced a one-year delay in implementation of the employer mandate that requires employers with greater than 50 employees to pay for health insurance or face a penalty. MRAA worked during the drafting of the Affordable Care Act to exempt employers with fewer than 50 […]
MRAA Endorses Collins Tax Bill Written to Help Small Business
Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) recently introduced s.1085, the Small Business Tax Certainty and Growth Act. The bill would allow small businesses to plan for capital investments that are vital to business expansion and job creation by easing complex accounting rules for the smallest businesses and reduces the tax burden on new ventures. The bill would […]
Congress Returns from Independence Day Recess
Congress returned Monday, July 8, to potentially incendiary fights over nominations, unresolved disputes over student loans and the farm bill, and the uncertainty of whether lawmakers have the political will to rewrite the immigration laws. Two Cabinet-rank choices, Tom Perez as Labor Secretary and Gina McCarthy to head the USEPA, are on the agenda in […]
Temporary Deficit Reduction
The following link is a report from the conservative National Center for Policy Analysis on the Congressional Budget Office budget projections. As you will see the budget deficit is going down in large part to an increase in revenues (a sign of an improving economy). However, the budget deficit is so large that it is […]
Luxury Tax on Boats Dies
The luxury tax on boats bill has died in Connecticut. Legislation was successfully passed to repeal the luxury tax on boats costing more than $100,00 (Sections 77-78, E-Cert. HB 6704, Budget/Tax Bill), effective July 1, 2013. Rep. Pat Widlitz was a lead advocate to energize the boating industry in Connecticut. The Governor signed the budget/tax […]