Tag: Legislative Updates

MRAA Endorses Collins Tax Bill Written to Help Small Business

Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) recently introduced s.1085, the Small Business Tax Certainty and Growth Act. The bill would allow small businesses to plan for capital investments that are vital to business expansion and job creation by easing complex accounting rules for the smallest businesses and reduces the tax burden on new ventures. The bill would […]

Congress Returns from Independence Day Recess

Congress returned Monday, July 8, to potentially incendiary fights over nominations, unresolved disputes over student loans and the farm bill, and the uncertainty of whether lawmakers have the political will to rewrite the immigration laws. Two Cabinet-rank choices, Tom Perez as Labor Secretary and Gina McCarthy to head the USEPA, are on the agenda in […]

Temporary Deficit Reduction

The following link is a report from the conservative National Center for Policy Analysis on the Congressional Budget Office budget projections. As you will see the budget deficit is going down in large part to an increase in revenues (a sign of an improving economy). However, the budget deficit is so large that it is […]

Luxury Tax on Boats Dies

The luxury tax on boats bill has died in Connecticut. Legislation was successfully passed to repeal the luxury tax on boats costing more than $100,00 (Sections 77-78, E-Cert. HB 6704, Budget/Tax Bill), effective July 1, 2013. Rep. Pat Widlitz was a lead advocate to energize the boating industry in Connecticut. The Governor signed the budget/tax […]

CFPB looking to further regulate dealers

The Dodd-Frank financial reform law, which passed Congress in 2010, authorized the creation of the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, and now the CFPB wants to regulate the banks that make consumer loans, the dealers that refer them, and the service providers that broker them. The CFPB has been tasked by the Dodd-Frank law with, among […]

Regulatory Accountability Act Introduced In House and Senate

The Regulatory Accountability Act of 2013 was re-introduced last week in the U.S. House of Representatives (H.R. 2122) with a companion bill in the Senate (S. 1029). These bipartisan bills would update the process by which federal agencies promulgate regulations. It has been a process that has not been updated in more than 66 years. […]

Florida Marine Industry Bill Signed by Governor Scott

Florida House Bill 999 was signed by Governor Rick Scott (F) in late May and will take effect on July 1, 2013. The bill 1.) provides for general permitting of mooring fields not exceeding 100 vessels, removes availability of a general permit for public marinas so all marinas will be subject to the standard permitting […]

Florida Governor Signs Ethanol Bill

Legislation that began in Florida as H.B. 4001 and sponsored by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R) was signed by Governor Rich Scott (R) on May 31. The new law repeals a five-year old statue requiring all state service stations to sell gasoline containing an established percentage of ethanol. “The law, which fined retailers for not selling […]

House Environment Subcommittee Looks at Mid-level Ethanol

The House Science, Space, and Technology Subcommittee on Environment held a hearing on February 26 titled, “Mid-level Ethanol Blends: Consumer and Technical Research Needs.” The purpose of the hearing was to examine the scientific, technical, and consumer impacts of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s decision to allow the introduction of mid-level ethanol blends (E15) on […]

MRAA Asks Congress to Intercede with the EPA To Prevent Sales of E15 Blends

Subsequent to the Environment Subcommittee hearing on mid-level ethanol blends, MRAA sent a letter to Rep. Chris Stewart, Chairman of the Subcommittee asking Congress to intercede with the EPA to prevent the sale of E15 gasoline blends until proper research has been completed to ensure the protection of boating consumers. MRAA told the Subcommittee Chairman […]