3 Real Changes Dealers are Implementing TODAY

All it takes is one small (or large) change at your dealership to increase your odds of success. At MRAA’s annual conference, the Marine Dealer Conference & Expo, we often remind attendees to not bite off more than they can chew and to prioritize a manageable list of their top three conference takeaways home with […]

MRAA Recommended Reading: Start With Why

It’s time for a wake-up call: Most of us have been selling the wrong stuff the wrong way. That’s according to the book, “Start with why: How great leaders inspire everyone to take action,” by Simon Sinek. It sounds like a book on leadership – and it is – but it also has some incredible […]

OEM Boat Show support is only the tip of the iceberg

The take away from another Miami Boat Show is always the amazing amount of manufacturer’s support for their dealers at the show to guarantee their brands are well represented in front of world’s largest boating audience. Major financial investments with impressive displays and reinforced staffing. I took particular note of the investment because of the […]

5 Reasons To Engage with the New Certification Program

The Continuous Certification Program that you all have been hearing about over the past few months has launched! As we prepared for this day, many dealers asked us how the program’s courses differ from all the other educational content we offer. The answer is, actually, simple: It was designed to do more to help dealers […]

Taking on Dealers’ Challenge, Part Two

Certified Dealers challenged us to make Recertification as valuable for them as Certification. So, we’ve spent the past year formulating a plan for how to do that and gaining industry insight into our plan. Read more about how we went about that in my last blog: Time for a Professional Change. Now, we’re focused on […]

Time for a Professional Change, Part One

Accountants, Architects, Construction Contractors, Cosmologists, Doctors, Engineers, Firefighters, Insurance Agents, Loan Officers, Nurses, Police, Real Estate Agents, Safety Personnel, Teachers. What do these pros have in common? To keep their jobs and remain in business, they each need to stay updated on their profession by completing continuous education.    And let’s be honest. Whether your […]

Raising Our Game Together

Over the past four or five years, we’ve had a lot of conversations with dealers like you about how you approach improving and growing your business. Your commitment to continuing to get better at everything you do is inspiring to us. Especially when we consider all that you’re juggling. Most dealers are running four or […]

Increase Attendance at Annual Meetings

In a recent article for The Membership Management Report, MRAA President Matt Gruhn wrote about the association’s role in growing the Marine Dealer Conference & Expo, which is co-produced by MRAA and Boating Industry magazine. Here is an expert from the article Matt was featured in: Increase Attendance at Annual Meetings “The Marine Retailers Association […]