A bipartisan effort to find new revenue to fund roads, bridges, and mass transit may hit recreational boating hard. Historically, transportation has been a bipartisan effort in Congress. So far 25 Republicans and 25 Democrats in the House support a plan that would fund loans for infrastructure improvements from bonds that would be sold to […]
Congress Turns to Magnuson-Stevens, the Saltwater Fisheries Management Act
On February 4, 2014 the House Committee on Natural Resources held its first hearing on the re-authorization of the important Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act. This legislation guides federal saltwater fisheries management. A discussion draft of the authorization bill had been distributed to interested groups several weeks before the hearing. MRAA is generally pleased […]
MDCE launches 2014 survey
MINNEAPOLIS – Organizers of the Marine Dealer Conference & Expo have begun planning for the 2014 educational agenda, including some new features that are expected to boost the value of the event beyond any prior MDCE. Each year, building the MDCE educational line-up begins with a thorough review of the results of the previous event’s […]
MRAA, Baird launch the Marine Retailer Pulse Report
MINNEAPOLIS — The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas and the research division of Robert W. Baird have partnered to take a regular pulse of the marine industry, launching a first-of-its-kind monthly Marine Retailer Pulse Report. The Marine Retailer Pulse Report gives MRAA members an in-depth view of key indicators driving the marine industry. The […]
Join us at ABC and give boating a voice in Washington, D.C.
Join the Marine Retailers Association of the Americas, its members, and the members of more than 30 other associations at what will be the most influential event of 2014: The American Boating Congress, May 5-7 in Washington, D.C. At last year’s Boating Congress, MRAA members, co-hosts and industry stakeholders completed more than 250 meetings on […]
MRAA Issues Action Alert on Ethanol
The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas has called marine retailers to action by asking them to contact the U.S. Environmental Protections Agency in strong support of its recent action to reduce the Congressional mandate on the renewable fuel standard (RFS) for corn-based ethanol, for 2014 to 2013 levels. For the past couple of years, […]
WRRDA in Conference Would Provide Funds for Recreational Harbors
H.R. 3080 and S. 601, the Water Resources Reform and Development Acts have passed the House and Senate and now reside in a conference committee to negotiate the differences between the two bills. The conference committee has met and several Members of Congress expect a final resolution to be made in January. The Corps has […]
MRAA Considers Support of Marina Operator Tax Obligation Act
MRAA is considering support of H.R. 2795, the Marina Operator Tax Obligation Act introduced by Representative Doug Collins (R-Georgia) on July 23, 2013. The bill has one co-sponsor, Representative Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas), and has been referred to the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment. No action has yet been scheduled by the Subcommittee. The bill […]
Rep. Blumenauer Introduces Bill to Double Federal Gas Tax
Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-Oregon) introduced H.R. 3636, the Update, Promote and Develop America’s Transportation Essential Act on December 3, 2013. The committee, commonly referred to as the Committee of Ways and Means, has no cosponsors. The bill would increase the federal excise tax on gasoline to 33.3 cents per gallon after 2015, and before 2025 […]
Rep. Candice Miller Calls for Swift Action to Protect Great Lakes from Asian Carp
Calling for a multi-layered approach to protect the health of the Great Lakes, Representative Miller (R-Michigan) thanked the Army Corps of Engineers for their recent study on how to manage invasive species in the Great Lakes, and expressed her concern about the lack of call to immediate action to protect the Great Lakes from the […]