Tag: Legislative Updates

Minnesota Passes Landmark Mandatory Boater Education Legislation

ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, May, 31 – The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas (MRAA) celebrates the successful passage of Mandatory Boater Education Legislation in its home state of Minnesota. This landmark legislation marks a significant step towards ensuring the safety and well-being of boaters and all who enjoy aquatic recreation throughout the Land of 10,000 […]

Minnesota Passes Mandatory Boater Education Legislation

Program to equip boaters with the knowledge and skills to create safer waterways A bill, establishing a new Mandatory Boater Education Program, has been passed in Minnesota. The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas (MRAA) is delighted to celebrate the passage because a similar effort failed in the final hours in Minnesota’s 2022 legislative session. […]

MRAA, Dealers Share Concerns at American Boating Congress

WASHINGTON, D.C., May 16, 2023 – Last week, the recreational boating industry, including the Marine Retailers Association of the Americas, visited Washington, D.C., for the annual American Boating Congress (ABC) hosted by the National Marine Manufacturers Association. MRAA staff, members of the MRAA Board of Directors and several MRAA members brought marine industry issues to […]

A New Restriction May be on the Horizon for Gulf Coast Boating: Petition to Establish Rice’s Whale Vessel Speed Zone

Impediments to boating access, in the forms of mandatory speed zones or restrictions on boat type or activity, stand to have a major impact on your business by either keeping boaters off the water or disincentivizing folks from buying boats. As the proposed Right Whale Vessel Speed Rule, which would mandate a 10-knot speed restriction […]

MRAA, MTAs Seek Monitoring Technology to Counter Right Whale Rule

With the support of 17 state and national marine trades associations, the Marine Retailers Association of the Americas submitted a letter to members of the House and Senate Subcommittees on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies (CJS) to stall proposed changes to the onerous Right Whale Rule. MRAA and its MTA colleagues asked Committee members […]

U.S. Representative Jake Auchincloss Visits Discover Boating New England Boat Show

U.S. Representative Jake Auchincloss (D-MA-04) visited the New England Boat Show Thursday, Feb. 16, touring the show with NMMA Vice President of Northeast Boat Shows Jon Pritko and MMTA Executive Director Randall Lyons. During the visit the importance the recreational boating industry plays in New England was discussed. The economic impact in New England is […]

MRAA Board of Directors Announces 2023 Advocacy Priorities

MINNEAPOLIS, January 27 – The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas’ Board of Directors announces its 2023 legislative and regulatory advocacy priorities as recommended to them by the Advisory Council of Marine Associations’ (ACMA). ACMA, an integral part of the MRAA’s advocacy efforts, was created to advise the MRAA on its annual policy agenda and […]