Tag: chad tokowicz

MRAA Advocacy Engages Avalon-Tahoe Dealers

As the Marine Retailers Association of the Americas (MRAA) continues to grow and work with all sectors of the industry, meshing directly with boat manufacturers is becoming an increasingly important method to engage new dealers. Presenting at dealer meetings is a great way for our team to meet potential members and highlight MRAA Membership benefits, […]

Advocacy & Boating Safety

As a dealer, customers look to you as a leader within the recreational boating community, and for that reason it is important you champion safe boating practices and compliance with all state and local laws and regulations. Ultimately, we want you to feel confident as a business owner and your customers to feel the same […]

Victory for Boat Dealers: Florida Amends Livery Insurance Requirements 

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, on June 12, 2023, signed SB 418 repealing insurance requirements for boat liveries and absolves them from purchasing insurance to cover rental customers. This is a victory for Florida boat dealers. During the 2022 legislative session, the 2022 Florida Boating Safety Act (HB 493) passed, requiring boat rental facilities to insure […]

Oversight Hearing on NOAA’s Right Whale Vessel Speed Rule

A significant Oversight Hearing was held today by the Water, Wildlife and Fisheries Subcommittee of the House Committee on Natural Resources regarding the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) proposed Right Whale Vessel Speed Rule. The hearing addressed the potential impact of the proposed rule on both marine wildlife and the recreational marine industry. The […]

Minnesota Passes Landmark Mandatory Boater Education Legislation

ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, May, 31 – The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas (MRAA) celebrates the successful passage of Mandatory Boater Education Legislation in its home state of Minnesota. This landmark legislation marks a significant step towards ensuring the safety and well-being of boaters and all who enjoy aquatic recreation throughout the Land of 10,000 […]

Minnesota Passes Mandatory Boater Education Legislation

Program to equip boaters with the knowledge and skills to create safer waterways A bill, establishing a new Mandatory Boater Education Program, has been passed in Minnesota. The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas (MRAA) is delighted to celebrate the passage because a similar effort failed in the final hours in Minnesota’s 2022 legislative session. […]

MRAA, MTAs Seek Monitoring Technology to Counter Right Whale Rule

With the support of 17 state and national marine trades associations, the Marine Retailers Association of the Americas submitted a letter to members of the House and Senate Subcommittees on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies (CJS) to stall proposed changes to the onerous Right Whale Rule. MRAA and its MTA colleagues asked Committee members […]

MRAA Board of Directors Announces 2023 Advocacy Priorities

MINNEAPOLIS, January 27 – The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas’ Board of Directors announces its 2023 legislative and regulatory advocacy priorities as recommended to them by the Advisory Council of Marine Associations’ (ACMA). ACMA, an integral part of the MRAA’s advocacy efforts, was created to advise the MRAA on its annual policy agenda and […]

Proposed Vessel Speed Rule Will Hamper Recreation, Do Little for Right Whale

• Recreational boating and fishing community submit comment, ask NOAA to pause rule WASHINGTON, D.C., October 7, 2022 — Monday, the Marine Retailers Association of the Americas and other leading organizations representing recreational fishing and boating in the United States urged the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to pause its proposed North Atlantic Right Whale […]