Tag: Dealership Certification

Dealer Finder Tool Increases Introductions

Discover Boating’s Dealer Finder tool continues driving potential boat buyers to dealer sites in the U.S. and Canada. The number of introductions to dealers from the U.S. Dealer Finder is up 26% year over year, and Canadian Dealer Finder introductions have increased 48% since this time last year. As today’s consumer buying behaviors continue to shift, the Discover […]

Seeking Greatness

• Interest in the Great Dealerships to Work For awards criteria suggests a commitment to excellence. After I sent out the recent MRAA press release announcing the 22 Certified Dealerships that earned a 2023 Great Dealerships to Work For (GDTWF) award at Dealer Week in Tampa, Fla., I received an email response asking what is […]

MRAA Certification News – September 2022

The MRAA Marine Industry Certified Dealership (MICD) program continues to make new strides within the boating industry. Recently, the Dealership Certification process was enhanced to include a new seven-week Certification Webinar Series with MRAA Consultants. The MICD Program and Certification Manager Liz Keener were also highlighted recently by “Marina Dock Age,” addressing how dealers can […]