Author: Liz Keener

Why F&I is Critical to the Customer Experience

The F&I office is a second thought at many dealerships. If it exists at all, it primarily functions as a lending arm or paperwork administrator for the sales department. This approach not only loses your dealership significant amounts of money, it also greatly impacts your customer’s satisfaction with the sales process. Every minute that a […]

Video is King

Use of videos for promoting products and services has become extremely common. As the world goes digital, it’s clear: Videos sell boats. So, it’s obvious that a boat dealer would also jump on the bandwagon. As a boat dealer your goal should always be to discover new and effective ways of making people aware of […]

Boat Dealers: It’s Time to Embrace Digital Retail

Boat dealers are feeling the digital pressure from all sides as the marine industry rapidly evolves under the pressure of the COVID-19 pandemic and most recently the significant influx of new boat buyers that have entered the market. As an industry, we’ve been touting digital marketing for years — since at least the time I […]

On the Fence About Scripts? Winging It Is a No-Go

I’ve been telling dealers for years to move their sales conversations to the phone because tone of voice is a big, damn deal. It has a major effect on how prospects perceive you. So, how do sales call scripts fit into that perception? We believe that there are three core elements in effective face-to-face communication, […]