When discussing following up with recent buyers, we’ve heard some dealer express reluctance. What if the customer is truly unhappy? What if the issue is something with the boat that you can’t fix yourself quickly? What if the customer’s boat needs to come back to service, and you’re already overbooked? First, that’s no reason to […]
Author: Liz Keener
New Data: First-Time Boat Buyers are Here, but We Need to Keep Them
We’ve heard anecdotally over the past few months that many of those customers who have purchased boats this year are first-time buyers. And new data is showing that is, in fact, the case. More than one-third of those who have purchased new and pre-owned powerboats this year are first-time boat buyers, Info-Link has confirmed. […]
Why F&I is Critical to the Customer Experience
The F&I office is a second thought at many dealerships. If it exists at all, it primarily functions as a lending arm or paperwork administrator for the sales department. This approach not only loses your dealership significant amounts of money, it also greatly impacts your customer’s satisfaction with the sales process. Every minute that a […]
Make Your Customer’s Boating Experience Better with Accessories
It’s late July, and while boats may still be selling for you in what appears to be a record-setting season for the industry, we can all see the traditional slowdown coming. And, as we’ve heard, some of you are completely out of boats right now. So how do you continue to build revenue for […]
Arm Your Customers with the Resources They Need
To those of us who have been boating for decades, operation of a boat may come easy, and knowledge of boating etiquette and laws are common knowledge. But the same is not the case for the first-time boat buyers you’ve sold to this year. In fact, boating can be downright scary and intimidating to […]
Video is King
Use of videos for promoting products and services has become extremely common. As the world goes digital, it’s clear: Videos sell boats. So, it’s obvious that a boat dealer would also jump on the bandwagon. As a boat dealer your goal should always be to discover new and effective ways of making people aware of […]
Boat Dealers: It’s Time to Embrace Digital Retail
Boat dealers are feeling the digital pressure from all sides as the marine industry rapidly evolves under the pressure of the COVID-19 pandemic and most recently the significant influx of new boat buyers that have entered the market. As an industry, we’ve been touting digital marketing for years — since at least the time I […]
Create a Post-Sale Follow-Up Process Map to Assure Nothing’s Missed
We all have what feels like one million things going on at all times, at work, at home. It’s hard to remember everything we need to do. Heck, sometimes I can’t even remember why I opened the refrigerator. That’s why process maps are so important. They keep our business tasks on track, assuring that, if […]
On the Fence About Scripts? Winging It Is a No-Go
I’ve been telling dealers for years to move their sales conversations to the phone because tone of voice is a big, damn deal. It has a major effect on how prospects perceive you. So, how do sales call scripts fit into that perception? We believe that there are three core elements in effective face-to-face communication, […]
Outsourcing Follow-Up Offers Fast, Reliable Response
You know follow-up is that last, important step in your sales process, but the July holidays have just passed, and you’re still busy and wondering how you could possibly find the time to follow-up yourself or hire someone else to do the job. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the need to follow-up with your […]