Good help is hard to find. As a Certified Dealer, you want to ensure you hire the best, most skilled and technologically advanced people to work inside your dealership. But where do you find them? You can use the more traditional methods of advertising open positions on popular job-seeking websites, but these aren’t specifically aimed […]
Tag: Dealer Certification
Certified Dealers: Register Additional Locations to Get Certified and Save
The Marine Industry Certified Dealership Program is making it easier and more affordable for Certified Dealers to register multiple locations for the MICD Fast Track and Recertification at a special program enrollment rate for all dealerships that seek to Certify or Recertify more than one location. Certified Dealerships will now pay $2,499 for the first […]
MICD Program Offers Marine Retailers Incredible ROI
The Marine Industry Certified Dealership Program provides marine retailers across North America with the tools they need to achieve business and operational excellence at their respective dealerships. But the program offers dealers much more than just standards and processes; Certification grants dealerships access to a host of exclusive benefits designed to help them save money, […]
What’s the Value of Signing Up to Attend the Pre-Conference Workshops at MDCE?
If you’ve already registered to attend this year’s Marine Dealer Conference and Expo, congratulations! You’ve done most of the heavy lifting. Now it’s time to sign up for MDCE’s Pre-Conference Workshops, seven all-new, never-before-held and intimate educational offerings scheduled for Monday, Nov. 17 that give marine retailers access to hands-on training with leading experts in […]
Marine Industry Certified Dealerships Boast Industry’s Highest CSI Scores
According to the most recent data collected from the National Marine Manufacturers Association’s Customer Satisfaction Index Program, Marine Industry Certified Dealerships received higher CSI scores than non-Certified dealers across the board. Certified Dealers outperformed their non-Certified counterparts in all areas deemed most impactful to customer satisfaction: Overall rating of the boat, engine and dealer; sales […]
Marine Industry Certified Dealership Program Evolves to Meet Needs of Today’s Dealers
The Marine Industry Certified Dealership Program has made it more convenient — and affordable — than ever for dealers to get Certified. The program recently lowered its fee structure and developed a tiered approach, making it cost-effective for dealerships of all sizes to enroll and complete the various program steps at the pace they feel […]
How Do I Plan for (and Make the Most of My Time at) MDCE 2014?
The 2014 Marine Dealer Conference & Expo, taking place Nov. 16-19 in Orlando, Fla., is an amazing opportunity to take advantage of the best educational resources the marine industry has to offer its retailers. As a MICD, we’re confident you’re already aware of MDCE’s value to you and your business. Chances are you’ve been attending […]
Save Big on Custom Videos at MDCE 2014
If you’ve ever investigated the cost of producing a custom video for your dealership, you’d know that a professional job could cost upwards of $15,000 or more. The MICD program is taking some of the sting out of this enormous cost by making professional, completely customizable, consumer-facing videos available exclusively for MICDs for just $1,475 […]
How Do I Best Communicate to My Customers Through E-mail Marketing?
E-communications have become a critical component of any dealership’s content marketing strategy. It’s a fast, direct and cost-effective means of connecting with current and potential customers about everything you have going on at the dealership year-round, from sales and special events, to preferred pricing, boat show participation, customer appreciation days, and more. Despite all the […]
DB Website Numbers Continue to Grow
With the campaign just past its mid-summer point, in Fiscal Year 2014 (Oct. 2013 through June 2014), visits to have increased significantly (48 percent) over the same period last year. Search engine marketing efforts continue to drive a steady stream of boating enthusiasts to the site, particularly to boat buying-related content, which includes the […]