Tag: MRAA blogs

Cultivating Trust with Custom Events

• A Q&A session with Kelsey Ketcham, Marketing Manager, Strong’s Marine about the intricacies of creating its educational “Women on the Water” events Events usually start out as a concept. Many exist out of necessity or were made to fill a void and provide an opportunity for your dealership. For instance, when your team isn’t […]

Stories Give Service Data Meaning

Dan Heath, a New York Times best-selling author once said, “Data are just summaries of thousands of stories – tell a few of those stories to help make the data meaningful.” The MRAA collected a great deal of data in the survey process for the Service Management Special Report. In a sense, we collected thousands […]

Overcome Fear with Action

• Use the MRAA Guide to Navigating 2024 as a Tool to Find Success Fear can be demobilizing for some, almost as if you’re stuck in quicksand and panicking about your next move. The fear of failure can cause some to push for the status quo. For others, fear can act as a motivator to […]

Redefining Your Approach to Establishing Trust – The Customer Experience Mindset in the Marine Retail Industry

By John Spence, johnspence.com Trust is a complex idea built on multiple pillars, such as honesty, integrity, reliability and competence. In the marine retail context, this translates into transparent pricing, consistent quality and the provision of expert advice. When a customer makes a significant investment, such as buying a yacht, they need more than just […]

MRAA Certified Dealership Program Helps Your Business Reach New Heights

• Create a more efficient, effective and resilient dealership that delivers an industry-leading customer experience To properly evaluate your dealership, you need to think like an eagle. According to allaboutvision.com, raptors (birds of prey) have superb vision at a distance, but the eagle is supreme with the ability to see roughly eight times as far […]

22 Tips to Tackle High Rates & Finance More Deals

Higher interest rates are putting a damper on customers’ interest in financing their boat purchases. In a recent MRAA Pulse Report Survey, about 8 out of 10 dealers cited high interest rates as the biggest obstacle to customer financing. Low lender approval rates came in second, followed by “perceived values of trade-ins” and “other.” There’s […]

Best Friend at Work

By Bob McCann, MRAA Lead MICD Program Consultant Think about your workplace for a few minutes, and imagine a stressful day – we all have them now and again. Think for a second about when that stress bubbles up, who at work do you run to? Who do you vent to? From whom do you […]